There are lots of different ways to categorize the things in our lives that contribute to our overall wellness. I tend to use the four pillars: nutrition, movement, mindfulness and community. So let's talk about community today!
In our society, we tend to talk about individual rights and freedoms and "self-made" millionaires and "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" (which, by the way, is impossible!). But we don't talk a lot about our communities. No one is actually "self-made" in any way. They have teachers & coaches, family & friends, public services like police & fire, sanitation & transportation. That's just scratching the surface of all the things that are done FOR us in society. So it's important to understand that we each have a responsibility to be a good & helpful part of our own communities to help them be their best for all members.
But also, having community is essential for our wellbeing. Even most introverts need others around them from time to time. Humans are a communal species. But the way our society is structured tends to divide us - many multi-family homes are being torn down to build single-family homes. There aren't enough "third places" (something other than work/school or home) for people to congregate without having to spend money. So creating and building community becomes something we have to actually focus on and work at in order to make it happen.
Some ideas for developing your community:
- make an effort to get in touch with at least one friend every week.
- join a book club or adult sports league (or something else related to your interests) near you if you're able. There are online book clubs as well if you can't find one in your area.
- check out activities at your local library - I just found out that my library has a makers lab with 3D printing & a sewing machine. They regularly have free classes too!
What ways have you been able to create and maintain your community?